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Overview of Services Video

For a West Virginia University seminar sponsored by Buchanan Ingersoll & Rooney, I developed a short, looping commercial to play during intermission periods. The commercial, no longer than one minute, aimed to highlight the firm’s nationwide presence, with 15 offices headquartered in Pittsburgh, and their specializations across various focus areas.

The commercial also showcased the firm’s diverse range of knowledge-based services and provided contact information for event attendees. The marketing team and attorneys were pleased with the eye-catching effects and the inviting, yet unobtrusive audio track.

Assembled primarily with Adobe After Effects, the visual elements were designed to be engaging and professional. Audio modifications were handled in Audition, with a particular focus on rescoring the track to ensure it looped seamlessly for one minute, avoiding any hint of editing.

The project was a success, effectively conveying Buchanan Ingersoll & Rooney’s strengths and services in an engaging format.

Property of Buchanan Ingersoll & Rooney P.C. Used with permission.

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